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Women of Harmony

Women of Harmony As a female in the hemp business, I have had the pleasure to watch first-hand as many strong, determined, and driven women have entered this industry. Not only making it their career, but making it their mission to spread education and awareness of the powers of this incredible plant. I have met

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The Importance of Organic Hemp Farming

Hemp: The Amazing PlantThere are many different varieties of the cannabis plant. Hemp, also called industrial hemp, refers to the non-psychoactive (less than .3% THC) varieties of Cannabis Sativa L. Hemp has a plethora of uses as it can be grown as a renewable source for raw materials that may be incorporated into thousands of products. Health foods, organic body care as well as nutraceuticals are made with its seeds and flowers. The fibers and stalks are utilized in the production of hemp clothing, construction materials, paper, biofuel, plastic composites, to name a few. This plant sets itself apart from other crops because it cleans the soil. Phytoremediation is the process by which plants are used to clean the ground by absorbing heavy metals and other toxic substances. The best example of this is the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. In 1986, nuclear waste was spread across much of Eastern Europe rendering land unusable. Hemp was the plant of choice to help clean and remediate the soil.

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Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative Agriculture What is Regenerative Agriculture and Why Does It Matter You may have heard the term “Regenerative Agriculture,” as it has become a buzz word in relation to sustainability and farming. The question is, what does it really mean, and why is it important? Regenerative Agriculture describes farming and grazing practices that enrich and replenish the soil,

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Palmetto Harmony Affiliate Marketing Program

Do you want to be part of an organization that has set the standard for transparency, customer service, and following CGMP guidelines in the CBD industry? You have a unique opportunity to earn cash for doing so through our affiliate marketing program. Affiliate payouts may be earned by linking people to our website or to specific Palmetto Harmony products, after acceptance of your application.Palmetto Harmony is a vertically integrated CBD business that directly controls the growing, manufacturing, and distribution of full spectrum hemp products. Palmetto Harmony has strived to be the leading industry provider of CBD products, cultivated with only organic practices grown in the United States since 2015. All of the Palmetto Harmony line of products are third party lab tested by an ISO certified lab for consistency and safety.  We take pride in our company as no corner is ever cut or expense spared in the making of any of our products.

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