The US Hemp Authority Certification - No Thank You

People are going to hear about a “certification” program through the US Hemp Authority. Please understand Palmetto Harmony will not sign onto that certification program until it is fixed! There are several issues with the program and we signed onto an open letter to them two weeks ago. You can click HERE to see the letter that we as a company signed onto along with several other reputable brands.
This seal does not require any notice of GMO’s, does not require organic practices, does not require them to put a country of origin of where their hemp is grown and manufactured, and worst of all even allows for certification of synthetic cannabinoids. What it does do is put unreasonable requirements on US farmers. And the program is very expensive (more so than USDA organic certification which we are in the midst of now!)
Also to note a tremendous amount of their first round verifiers are board members of the US Hemp Roundtable, who were the original funders of this certification program and steered its requirements. (Which still remains to be seen what is really being certified?). A voting member board seat on the Round Table is 25k a year. So this program, in my opinion, is based off pay to play. Some of these companies are using GMO’s and have had real issues with transparency and now will use this seal to continue to avoid transparency.
That being said our open letter went out to them last week again please click HERE to read. And we have a meeting with the authority on Monday in Anaheim to address these issues. We will not approve nor participate in this program until it is a true certification seal that actually protects consumers and does not give them a “false sense of security”! If the program gets fixed and a 2.0 version is released then we will consider participation.
Please do not fall for this!! This is another play for these big companies to choke out the little guy. We will see a push on social media in the coming months that will try to get people to only purchase products with this seal and that makes them safe and legal? But understand that it does not certify organic, non-synthetic cannabinoids, non-GMO’s, basically all the items we look for as consumers for ourselves and our loved ones.
Hi Judy. Good work! I suppose it was only a matter of time before this began. I am especially passionate about this subject as I spent all of last summer recovering from a near fatal traumatic brain injury. When I was released from rehabilitation, my troubles just began. None of the drugs they prescribed were going to help. I’d been through it before. I studied up on how cannabidiol could assist my ‘alphabet soup’ of conditions. I began my own CBD program to address the psycho-emotional symptoms that were leading me down a difficult ‘rat hole’. BAM! Within days my turnaround began. I did my homework regarding purity, efficacy, extraction, etc. CBDistillery and CBD Pure both helped immensely. I’m so moved by my own story that I have been writing approximately 6 articles a week regarding my experiences, both past and present, so that others going through it might benefit from my ordeal. It will eventually emerge in my own blog. But, that’s not why I’m writing to you. I want to thank and encourage you for your work here, and let you know that this TBI Soldier, and many more of us will be ready for battle to go ‘shoulder to shoulder’s to beat these rats that, I’m sure, have a larger agenda than they’re letting on. Thanks again!
Thank you for writing this! It was very informative and helpful.
To Janel & Harmony and your entire crew of “Palmetto people.” My have you grown stronger. I want to thank you for the tremendous support that you’ve provided to my friends and family. Some have passed (cancer/heart attack) and some are now doing very well. We were the first ones to benefit with the Discount code you/we established years ago. This was very much appreciated. We recently found a couple of bottles from June 2017 that were stored carefully after my sister’s death. Your product consistency was always 20-22 mg’s/ml.
I cannot thank you enough for having the heart/conviction to continue the struggle to inform and educate. Please, keep up the tremendous work product. Hopefully, your State of SC will some day open their eyes to other cannabinoids that help people all over the world.
Thank you Jeff for your appreciation on behalf of our crew of “Palmetto People”! We will continue to do what we do which is the reward in and of itself.