Frequently Asked
Simply add an item to your cart and hit the checkout button. You can also call the office at (843) 331-1246 to place an order.
There are a number of reasons why your order may come back failed or canceled. Please call the office for clarification if you get an error message you do not understand.
Orders are generally shipped out next business day, but can take up to 3 business days. All packages are shipped from the East Coast. Our goal is to fill each request promptly and cost-effectively. If you feel your order is taking too long to arrive please call or email us so we can find a solution.
You will receive an immediate confirmation email upon receipt of your order and another when it has shipped out. Tracking numbers are provided in your confirmation email.
You will receive an email at the address provided confirming your order and another to notify you that it has been shipped. If you do not receive either email, call the office or email
No, you can place a guest order by simply leaving the check box under "Make and account" unmarked.
If you are having account trouble, call the office at (843)331-1246 or email
If you are being shipped a replacement item, tracking numbers are provided to the email address you have provided us. If you do not have an email, call the office at (843)331-1246 to check the status of your replacement.
If you have a broken or damaged item, call as soon as it is discovered for a replacement. If you have a broken vape unit (currently discontinued), you have 30 days to return it. We also sell replacement vaporizer parts if any are broken or damaged after this time.
We offer a variety of shipping options through USPS and FEDEX.
Currently we offer overnight shipping through FEDEX. The option will be available on the checkout screen.
It depends on the country. Call the office at (843)331-1246 or email for more information.
Refunds will be issued through a credit to the credit/debit card the order was purchased with.
On the homepage find the “Retail” tab, underneath that you will see “Retail application”. Complete the form, and it will be reviewed by our team. If approved you will receive an email with information on pricing.
No. All of Palmetto Harmony products are grown compliant with Section 7606 of the Agricultural Act of 2014 – otherwise known as the Federal Farm Bill. All products were grown via a state-run pilot research program through the Agricultural Department and contain less than /3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in accordance with the Federal Governments definition of hemp defined in this Act. This legislation allowed for hemp to finally be grown in the United States instead of having to import it from overseas. Under this new law Hemp is legal to be sold nationally through retail outlets and online.