Last year, we shared a post highlighting Harmony as our word to live by in 2021.
So, how did we do?
We found Harmony by giving ourselves time and permission to rest. you can’t pour from an empty cup” is a cliché, but that sure doesn’t make it less true.
We nurtured Harmony in relationships with family and friends. We had heart-to-hearts, cried on shoulders, and shared all of the beautiful things that make us different.
We saw Harmony in the world when we took note of the little things: cool breezes on hot days, green lights on our routes, warm rays of sunshine in the winter, the noises in our home when it’s “quiet,” and more pieces of goodness that play together to create our big picture.
A year of seeking out Harmony in our daily lives has made it clear that Harmony is everywhere, all the time! Sometimes, it’s just below the surface, waiting for you to notice.
In 2022, we have no resolutions! The most popular resolutions yearly include exercising more, losing weight, spending less money…all changes that assume we’re doing something wrong right now. Instead of resolutions to change, we have plans.
2021 reminded us that Harmony is present in all places, all the time. Once you notice it the first time, it shows up more and more often: when you focus on the good, the good gets better.
So in 2022, we plan to focus on the good!
We plan to infuse the mundane with magic by luxuriating in slow moments.
We plan to connect with our friends and family face-to-face as often as we can. While distance and other factors can make it tough to squeeze our favorite people, we plan to soak up every moment we can get.
We plan to encourage a return to the self. Self care, inner reflection, and time to breathe shouldn’t be hot commodities. Taking time for yourself isn’t selfish, no matter your circumstances.
We hope that you and your family find harmony every step of the way as we move into a shiny new year!