Regenerative Agriculture

What is Regenerative Agriculture and Why Does It Matter
You may have heard the term “Regenerative Agriculture,” as it has become a buzz word in relation to sustainability and farming. The question is, what does it really mean, and why is it important?
Regenerative Agriculture describes farming and grazing practices that enrich and replenish the soil, rather than degrade it. It is a holistic land management practice that removes carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and transfers it back into the soil where it originated, and where it belongs.
In other words, each crop that is grown or herd that is grazed using regenerative practices is adding to the health of the soil leaving it with more life and abundance that it started with.
Conventional farming operations deplete the health of the soil. The repetitive use of harsh and non-organic chemicals found in synthetic pesticides and herbicides drain the soil of any existing nutrients and microorganisms. Year after year and harvest after harvest, conventional farming operations leave fields dustier, drier, and more lifeless than the year before.
Regenerative Agriculture is the difference between soil and dirt. It is the difference between life and death, and one of the biggest factors to influence the health of the planet and its people going forward.
Why Is Regenerative Agriculture Important?
We believe that healthy soil, derived from the power of Regenerative Agriculture, is the future of more nutrient-dense foods and hemp. It has the power to reduce and possibly even reverse climate change, by removing carbon from the atmosphere, and putting it back into the soil. It has the potential to return our fields, grasslands, and crops to the vitality they began with.
When we grow and raise our crops on living soil, we have the opportunity to benefit from the gift of life that each microorganism offers. When we grow and raise our crops on dust and dirt, we are adding back to the cycle of depletion and deprivation.
At Palmetto Harmony, we believe in and support Regenerative Agriculture. The hemp we process is grown with regenerative processes, and each new season, we strive to leave our soils better than we found them.
We let out fields take a break between crops. We are USDA certified organic to which we do not use synthetic pesticides and herbicides to grow our hemp. Our vision next year is to rotate animals into our crops, allowing them to work their magic on the soil.
We stand behind Regenerative Agriculture. We believe that in order to serve our customers, people, and the planet, that it is our duty and obligation to give life back to the soil, year after year. After all, it’s the least we can do for the life it gives to us.
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This is very interesting and I must say, through this process, you showed to your buyers that you are not just selling. And by taking care the health of the soil is also taking care of your consumers’ well being. Everyone should practice Regenerative Agriculture.