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Now Introducing Victory Hemp Food Products

Now Introducing Victory Hemp Food Products

Super Foods

A super food is defined as a ‘nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.’ Hemp food is considered to be a super food. 

Palmetto Harmony and Hemp Food

Palmetto Harmony has now added two different kinds of these hemp super foods to our product line. These hemp super foods come from a company out of Kentucky called Victory Hemp Foods. This company was established directly after the 2014 farm bill.The bill allowed farmers to once again grow hemp crops in order to produce these new products. Before, the market was predominately run by foreign companies. Overall, we are proud to have these products produced and distributed here in the U.S.A..


Hemp Proteins

Your Quality of Life

In the past several decades, the fitness industry has exploded into mainstream products. Including protein powder based shake drinks. Therefore providing a regular and daily source of nutrients and minerals. Supplements in themselves are a huge market in the modern-day fitness world. Hemp is naturally high in protein along with muscle recovering amino acids. All things considered, hemp protein powder only makes sense.


How Does It Help?

Adding a hemp protein into your fitness lifestyle may help improve your quality of life. In other words, our Hemp Protein powder is 50% protein. Arguably the most complete vegetable based protein in the world. Comparatively, it is a better, more natural, and far superior product. This product just may be an excellent replacement to traditional artificial based protein powders. Also, it contains the 9 essential amino acids that help in muscle recovery after a hard workout.

Hemp Hearts

The Nutrition World

Hemp hearts are the raw shelled seeds that come from the hemp plant. In the nutrition world, seeds are becoming more popular. With products such as flax seeds, quinoa, sesame seeds, etc. The hemp seed is also included in these super food seeds. Providing that, our Hemp seeds are arguably the most impressive and nutritious. They are high in protein, with one serving containing 30% of the recommended daily value. Hemp Hearts also contains 20 amino acids. Equally important to the 9 amino acids included that the human body cannot produce on it’s own.


How Does it Help?

The digestive properties of the seed help heal and regulate the colon. The reason for this is the 10-15% of fiber it contains. The high levels of magnesium help regulate muscle and nerve function. Your blood sugar and blood pressure levels being regulated as well. Adding just a small serving into a morning smoothie can give you the health benefits that would have taken a multitude of other products in your diet mimic.

1 thought on “Now Introducing Victory Hemp Food Products”

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